The ORCM/RCRP staffs instituted a new program this year. It is called “Second Tuesday”. On the second Tuesday of each month, the office staff of the Office for Regional Conference Ministries (ORCM) and the Regional Conference Retirement Plan (RCRP) change their daily staff worship schedule to have morning worship with a different Regional Conference Office staff.
The purpose of this program is to connect (via Zoom) people whose jobs may cause them to interact via telephone, email, text, etc., but who may never have actually seen each other.
This initiative began early in the year with ORCM/RCRP having morning staff worship via Zoom with the Central States Conference office staff. Subsequently, ORCM/RCRP has worshipped with the office staffs of Allegheny West, Lake Region, South Atlantic and South Central Conferences.
The format normally follows whatever staff worship format the Regional Conference Office staff follows. They are considered to be the host. Usually (though not always), there is a devotional speaker. Most often that speaker comes from the host conference but ORCM/RCRP is sometimes asked to provide the speaker. At the close of each worship, there are introductions made of each staff.
On Tuesday, July 12, the host conference was the Allegheny East Conference. The devotional speaker was Dr. Trevor Kinlock, Senior Pastor, Metropolitan SDA Church.
After the blessing of hearing the Word of God, President Pete Palmer of Allegheny East and Elder Dana C. Edmond introduced the respective staffs.
Both staffs were blessed by the interaction. The ORCM/RCRP looks forward to continuing this Second Tuesday series.