by Dr. Delbert W. Baker

Jesus warns, “Be careful. Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod” (Mark 8:15). This metaphor highlights the potential corrupting nature of political influences. Herod Antipas, known for his moral compromises and political maneuvers, exemplifies the dangers in this area. His unlawful marriage to Herodias and the execution of John the Baptist reminds us of the dangers of political expediency.
Political influence can spread and transform society, much like yeast. Ellen White advised, “Men of principle need not fear to take their position on any line that requires reform. They are not to make politics their rule of action, but if they are required to vote, let them vote understandingly and intelligently…”
Here are four Biblical G.A.I.N. principles to help us navigate a political environment.
G—Guard Your Integrity and Moral Standards
Refuse to compromise moral standards for political gain. Stand against moral corruption and injustice. Always promote peacemaking and respectful dialogue among diverse groups.
A—Analyze Critically and Use Discernment
Evaluate political rhetoric and actions, discerning whether they align with justice, mercy, and integrity (Micah 6:8). Always ask, “How does this position or person align with biblical principles?”
I—Implement Spiritual Vigilance and Dependence on God
Pray for wisdom and discernment in navigating political complexities. Fearlessly stand for what you believe. Remember, political systems and leaders are temporary, but God’s kingdom is eternal.
N—Navigate and Avoid Political Manipulation
Herod’s actions demonstrate how political pressures can lead to unjust actions. Think carefully and always stand for ethical and biblical values.
By applying this G.A.I.N. framework and educating ourselves on the issues, we can navigate the complexities of political life while remaining true to our convictions. Let us rely on God’s wisdom and guidance to be an influence for good.