Recently the leadership of the African American work in North America met at its Black Caucus meeting.
Elder Dana Edmonds, Director of Regional Conference Ministries convened The Black Caucus, which is chaired by Elder William Winston, president of South Atlantic Conference, and it consist of the three officers in addition to the ministerial secretary of the 9 regional conferences and the West Coast regional directors. Others that make up the Caucus are African Americans who work for denominational entities & institutions outside of the regional conferences.
Dr. Calvin Rock, retired General Conference VP & former President of Oakwood challenged everyone with his devotional thought, “The Sociality of Christ” where he so skillfully developed the idea of a social Jesus and reminded us that we see the social Jesus in many aspects of His life, we mostly see it at Calvary where he was stripped of His clothes yet in contact of His father.
Dr. Rock also lead a discussion of the history of Regional Conferences with his latest book, Protest and Progress: Black Seventh-day Adventist Leadership and the Push for Parity where he gives an overview of history by discussing the successes and failures of four major Black Adventist leadership protest movements. A full review of the book will appear in the next issue of Regional Voice Magazine.
In addition to the president’s council which meets there were various Co-Meetings that take place during the Caucus:
Conference Secretaries ,Treasurers, Ministerial & Personal Ministries directors, Message Magazine, Pastor Spouse’s, Hispanic Coordinators and Pastors. Many of the auxiliary meetings made reports to the Caucus. (For detailed information from reports be sure to read the next issue of Regional Voice Magazine)
Each day was bathed in prayer, where small groups gather to pray for one another, work of God and His guidance for the meetings. Meetings energized with lively discussions and interactions that were thought provoking, challenging and eye-opening.
Drs. Rock & Pollard shared interesting facts:
- “The perfect crime is a sermon without a trace of the blood of Jesus Christ.” Calvin Rock, Ph.D, retired General Conference VP & former President of Oakwood
- OU does $50M in federal contracts Leslie Pollard, DMin., PhD., MBA, President, Oakwood University.
The upcoming issue of Regional Voice Magazine will have in-depth features and articles of the full black caucus with reports.