Thanksgiving at ORCM and RCRP

By Priscila Pancorbo

Thanksgiving is the holiday when we show gratitude. Being thankful and appreciative of others is a big part of our culture at the Office for Regional Conference Ministries (ORCM) and the Regional Conference Retirement Plan (RCRP).

That’s the reason we decided to have a Thanksgiving potluck—to take time to share and enjoy a good meal with our coworkers, who sometimes feel more like family and friends.

The menu included traditional mac and cheese, collard greens, sweet potatoes, cornbread, corn, and vegan chicken. For desserts, there was apple cobbler, banana bread, and a Bundt cake. It was a delicious meal and great company to kick off the holiday season and remember all the blessings in our lives.

We give thanks to God for His abundant blessings and for the opportunity to celebrate this season of gratitude together.