Adventists across the North American Division are invited to the live-streamed prayer meeting on January 8, 2025.
By North American Division
On January 8, 2025, the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will kick off the world church’s 10 Days of Prayer with a special prayer meeting. The event, which will live stream from the NAD headquarters, begins at 9 p.m. ET. The NAD is encouraging those interested in joining the North American Division for the special hour-long prayer meeting to register via the special Pentecost 2025 prayer page.
In addition to the prayer meeting registration link and viewing information, the NAD has gathered social media resources for churches and leaders alike to invite their members to join the kick off event. A prayer wall is also available for people to add their prayer requests.
While the General Conference (world church) theme for 2025 is “But When You Pray,” based on Matthew 6:6, the NAD will focus on the 2020 theme, “Seeking God’s Spirit.” As the year of Pentecost 2025 begins, it is important to keep prayer a top priority, shared G. Alexander Bryant, NAD president. This emphasis ties in well with the earnest hope that all Adventists in the division pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as plans are made for churches and schools to reach out to their communities.
“This is our opportunity to come together as one church across North America to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Imagine the impact of thousands of voices lifting their hearts in prayer, asking God to work mightily in our churches, schools and communities,” said Bryant.
“Prayer changes everything,” said Ted N.C. Wilson, in the prayer meeting introductory video. “Just as the early church experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 during Pentecost, when they prayed together, the world was never the same. Prayer united them, transformed them, and empowered them to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.”
Bryant added, “Together in mission, through prayer, we can witness God move in ways beyond our imagination. Mark your calendars, spread the word, and let’s meet at the throne room of grace as one church family!”
“We are encouraging everyone who would like to join in this prayer service to register for the live Zoom meeting and join us as prayer preparation begins about 8:45 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8,” said Rick Remmers, NAD assistant to the president. “We are praising God for the more than 5,200 churches and schools that have signed up for the Pentecost 2025 initiative, now we ask everyone to come together in prayer as we start the new year.”
The special prayer meeting will also be shared on Facebook and YouTube. Visit the Pentecost 2025 prayer web page at to learn more. Special items include:
- Registration for the Zoom meeting (register);
- Prayer wall (active now);
- An invitation video with NAD president G. Alexander Bryant and GC president Ted N.C. Wilson;
- A YouTube page link;
- Downloadable flyer, Facebook and Instagram graphics to share on your social media;
- Link to the prayer focus page and 10 days of prayer resources.
CLICK HERE for info on how to participate
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